Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ellery's own flower garden


Ellery has a lot of fun digging around in the dirt in the backyard and making "stews" in her outdoor kitchen. We decided she needed to have her own flowers to take care of and she loves it!
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Braids and Ears pierced

Ellery was so brave as we Mom and her went to get their ears pierced hurt but it went away quickly and now she can't wait until 6 weeks are up so she can wear her hello kitty earrings! She also is loving having her hair in braids...she is growing up!
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My favorite words of Ellery at 4

Dorjus=georgeous (actual examples Mom, isn't this dress dorjus? and What a dorjus day!)
Bestest=best (example Bestest Daddio in the world!)

Funny sayings

The other day Clint hugged and kissed me in the kitchen and Ellery's response was:
"Mom and Dad, stop falling in love!" We said...never.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Mom and me

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My precious little girl


I just love having a little girl to dress up with...I hope she always enjoys this, too!
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Friday, December 10, 2010